2020 - How are you going to spend your time next year?
Firstly, I simply had to post this image of Kim practising Urdva Padmasana in Sarvangasana in class a few weeks ago, to compliment Owen's version of the asana in a previous post!! It's the result of consistent, dedicated practice.
2020 A Clean Slate
As most of the student body knows by now, I am a huge fan of the New Year. A clean slate and a new beginning offer so much promise. It's a time to look at what's important in our lives, what we would like to put front and centre as a goal to work towards, and to generally assess how we are going to spend our time in 2020. What will you prioritise in 2020, and how are you going to spend your time in 2020? These are some of the questions we will contemplate in the Intensive and the Setting Goals Workshop in January.
The Intensive format gives us the time to develop and refine our yoga
practice and to experience the effects of steady, consistent progression
over these 4 days. All levels welcome.
Intensive 22-25 January
Wednesday 22 January 5.30pm-7.30pm – Asana/Restorative
Thursday 23 & Friday 24 January 6.30-8.00am - Active Asana
Thursday 23 & Friday 24 January 5.45-7.30pm – Restorative/Pranayama
Saturday 25 January 8.30am-10.45am - Asana
Saturday 25 January 11.30am-1.00pm – Setting Goals for 2020 Workshop.
Attendance at all 6 sessions is recommended as the Intensive is taught as a
complete learning unit, but the following variations are offered:
6 sessions $180 +free Setting Goals Workshop
5 sessions $150 (add $30 for Setting Goals Workshop)
4 Sessions $130 (add $30 for Setting Goals Workshop).
A deposit of $30 is required upon booking.
Book in class or email Tricia.