Creating Balance through Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop - What is Ayurveda? 9.00am-12noon Saturday 5 January 2019
Steph will teach a three hour workshop on this subject as part of the holiday programme. Flyers with information and the enrolment sheet are at The Yoga Room. To help you understand what Ayurveda is all about, Steph has put together the following information:
Ayurveda is an ancient medical tradition from India. The term is derived from the Sanskrit ayur, meaning "life" or "longevity," and veda, meaning "knowledge" or "science."
Ayurvedic medicine and yoga are closely associated. They both find their roots in the Vedas. Renowned Vedic scholar, David Frawley, teaches that yoga is the practical side of Vedic teachings and Ayurveda is the healing side. Ayurveda aims to keep the body and mind balanced so that the individual remains healthy, and Yoga is an art of body-mind coordination that ensures physical and mental fitness as well as enhances one's spirituality.
According to Ayurvedic science, the body is a combination of three doshas, or "energies." These doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Every individual has one dosha that is more dominant than the others, depending on the prakriti, or "natural constitution," of the person. Factors that influence the doshas include age, diet and climate.
Yoga practice can influence the balance of the three dosas. Choosing the right poses based on personal constitution can help practitioners maximize the health benefits of Yoga.
If you would like to join Steph, please pay your deposit and enrol before we close for Christmas.