Holiday Timetable and Term 1 Bookings
Happy New Year Yogis! Start the New Year in a positive and proactive way by jumping on the mat TODAY.
I know the weather is crazy, but Pranayama is still on tonight at 6.00pm and is open to beginners (this is week 2). Casual attendance is OK too. Steph will see you there.
Thursday 9.30am classes continue for the next 3 weeks and are open to all students of all levels. Please jump on the mat and make a start on your yoga journey in 2018.
Details of the Intensive to follow in the next few days.
Bookings are now being taken on the website for Term 1 2018. Get in early to avoid disappointment as this is traditionally our busiest term.
See you in class for another year of learning and progression on the yoga path.