Holiday Timetable - Classes the Week of 27 January
The year has started brilliantly with the General KickStart Program and the January Intensive. The feeling in the studio has been one of enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and go deeper to explore yoga as a subject.
We have a great year of workshops planned for 2025 with lots of opportunities to study and learn about yoga. Details to follow in the next few days. In the meantime, here are the offerings next week. All classes are open to all students to attend. The KickStart Program for Beginners is also open to casual attendance. If you haven't yet rolled out your mat, now is the time to start.
Tuesday 28 January 6.00-7.30pm - Relax and Restore class with Tricia
Thursday 23 January 9.30-11.00am - General class with Tricia
Saturday 1 February 7.30-8.30am - General Class with Sharon.
Beginner KickStart Program
Sharon is also teaching the Beginner KickStart Program next week. Again it is open to casual attendance but it's ideal to enrol for the 4 days and receive a free class on Saturday 1 February 7.30-8.30am. It's perfect for those wanting a refresher, students who want to ease back onto the mat after holidays or for students who are new to Yoga.
If you know anyone who might benefit from starting yoga, please flick this email to them and spread the word.
Tuesday 28 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Wednesday 29 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Thursday 30 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Friday 31 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Free class Saturday 1 February 7.30am for students enrolled in the KickStart Program.
We commence Term 1 and our full timetable on Monday 3 February. We look forward to seeing all students back in the studio. We have a great year planned for you.
Tricia, Fiona, Sharon and Kim