Home Practice Workshop Sunday 7 April 10am-1.00pm
Coming to class each week puts life into perspective. All our issues and concerns still exist when we walk out the door, but for the duration of the class, and for some time afterwards, life seems a little lighter. The mind is a littler quieter.
Initially, we have to learn the asanas, or poses. Practising at home helps the progression of learning. As we progress we should be happy with small improvements, and keep on learning and practising.
Having a regular practice, as well as coming to class, gives us the opportunity to put aside external concerns and to be an observer. Instead of always doing, thinking and being busy, when we step on the mat we learn to watch our thoughts, emotions and reactions as they rise up and present themselves. We become more of an observer, or a watcher, as we are practising each asana.
The real benefit of a home practice is the opportunity to watch ourselves. It teaches us to live in the present moment where fear, anxiety and stress don’t actually exist. With persistence, the regular, steady, consistent practice of Yoga brings peace and poise into all parts of our lives.
Students of all levels are welcome to join this workshop. We will look at:
Why Practice?
What to Practice;
When to use equipment;
Categories or types of asanas;
Sequencing poses to gain a certain effect;
Overcoming Procrastination;
The necessity and beauty of making Yoga part of your life.
Cost: $45 which includes notes.