Timetable for Term 2

Term 2 commences on Monday 29 April.  We are looking forward to seeing you back in class after a week's break in the timetable. 

A few points to note:

  • Sharon is returning to teaching from her 12month Sebatical and will resume teaching the Gentle Class on Wednesday morning in early June.
  • Fiona is on leave and Kim will teach the Intermediate class for a few weeks.
  • We will no longer use PunchPass as our booking system.

A previous email has been sent about how we are proceeding to book and pay for classes in Term 2. 


Term 2 Passes

I am offering the following passes for Term 2:

10 Class Pass - $240.00 ($24 per class)
20 Class Pass - $400.00 ($20 per class - you are welcome to direct deposit weekly, fortnightly or monthly for this pass)
5 Class Pass - $130.00 ($26 per class)
Casual Pass - $28.00
Concession Casual Pass - $25.00.

You are also welcome to pay cash to the teacher on the day or at the beginning of the term.

I am working on a new online booking system but if you wish to pay for your classes before term starts, you can deposit into The Yoga Room bank account at any time.  Please email me for details.

Below is a link to the Term 2 Timetable.  Please note we will no longer have Led Practice on a Wednesday morning.  

I'm looking foward to seeing you all back on the mat.


See you in class next week.



Other articles:

Pranayama Workshop Saturday 5 February

By coming along to Fiona's workshop, you'll learn about the transformative benefits of Pranayama, a powerful practice that delves into the essence of breath and its profound impact on our well-being.  Fiona will look at basic anatomy, set ups for for Pranayama and go through some of the many pranayamas that yogis have practised for thousands of years.

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is more than just a breathing exercise; it is a sacred art that connects the body, mind, and spirit. By harnessing the breath, practitioners can tap into a source of vitality and inner peace.

How Does Pranayama Affect the Nervous System?

Through the practice of Pranayama, we can regulate our nervous systems, promoting a state of calm and balance. By engaging in specific breathing techniques or Pranayamas, we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to relaxation and stress relief.

What are the Longevity Benefits of Pranayama?

Studies have shown that regular practice of Pranayama can have a positive impact on longevity. By optimizing the breath, practitioners can enhance oxygen flow throughout the body, supporting overall health and vitality.

How Can Pranayama Help with Anxiety and Depression?

Pranayama offers a natural and effective way to manage anxiety and depression. By focusing on the breath, individuals can quiet the mind, reduce stress levels, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Why Science Supports the Benefits of Pranayama?

Scientific research has validated the numerous benefits of Pranayama on both physical and mental well-being. From improving lung function to enhancing cognitive function, the evidence is clear.  

Anyone can practice Pranayama who has done at least a term in our classes.  Asanas that are taught in class prepare the nervous system, and the physical body to practice Pranayama.   By embracing Pranayama with an open heart and a curious mind, and practising regularly, it can have a profound impact on our overall well-being.

The workshop is from 3.00-5.00pm this Saturday.  Use this link to book your place.



Holiday Timetable - Classes the Week of 27 January

The year has started brilliantly with the General KickStart Program and the January Intensive.  The feeling in the studio has been one of enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and go deeper to explore yoga as a subject.  


We have a great year of workshops planned for 2025 with lots of opportunities to study and learn about yoga.  Details to follow in the next few days.  In the meantime, here are the offerings next week.  All classes are open to all students to attend.  The KickStart Program for Beginners is also open to casual attendance.  If you haven't yet rolled out your mat, now is the time to start.  

Tuesday 28 January 6.00-7.30pm - Relax and Restore class with Tricia
Thursday 23 January 9.30-11.00am - General class with Tricia

Saturday 1 February 7.30-8.30am - General Class with Sharon.


Beginner KickStart Program

Sharon is also teaching the Beginner KickStart Program next week.  Again it is open to casual attendance but it's ideal to enrol for the 4 days and receive a free class on Saturday 1 February 7.30-8.30am.  It's perfect for those wanting a refresher, students who want to ease back onto the mat after holidays or for students who are new to Yoga.  

If you know anyone who might benefit from starting yoga, please flick this email to them and spread the word.  

Tuesday 28 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Wednesday 29 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Thursday 30 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Friday 31 January 7.00-8.00am Beginner KickStart
Free class Saturday 1 February 7.30am for students enrolled in the KickStart Program.

We commence Term 1 and our full timetable on Monday 3 February.  We look forward to seeing all students back in the studio.  We have a great year planned for you.


Tricia, Fiona, Sharon and Kim


Start 2025 on the front foot by joining one of our Classes or KickStart Programs

Are you looking to start the new year off on the right foot by prioritising your health?  Or maybe you are looking to incorporate yoga into your daily routine? Why not consider starting 2025 with one of our KickStart Programs?  The new year is the perfect time to kickstart your yoga practice and reap the many benefits that come with it.  Whether you are an existing student in our yoga community, or looking for a friendly studio to start your yoga journey, our holiday program has classes for all levels.

What are the Benefits of Yoga?

Yoga is not just about stretching and posing – it offers a wide range of benefits for both the body and the mind. From increased flexibility and strength to stress relief and improved mental clarity, yoga has something to offer everyone. By committing to a regular yoga practice, you can improve your overall well-being and feel more balanced in your daily life.

How Can You Get Started?

Starting a yoga practice may seem intimidating at first, but it doesn't have to be. Consider starting with beginner-friendly classes to build a strong foundation and gradually progress as you become more comfortable with the practice.

Setting Realistic Goals

As you embark on your yoga journey in the new year, it's important to set realistic goals for yourself. Whether you aim to practice yoga a few times a week or simply want to focus on learning the basic beginner level poses, setting achievable goals will help you stay motivated and committed to your practice.

Creating a Sacred Space

One way to stay dedicated to your yoga practice is by creating a sacred space in your home where you can practice without distractions. Whether it's a corner of your living room or a dedicated yoga room, having a space that is conducive to your practice can help you stay focused and in tune with your body.

Joining a Community

Consider joining our yoga community to connect with like-minded individuals who can support you on your journey. We offer classes and workshops for beginners to experienced students.  We are a friendly studio with certified teachers who care about your progress and are there to teach and guide you along the way.  NOW is a great time to enrol in a class or a KickStart Program. 

January Timetable

The timetable for January is below.  All the classes on the timetable are open to all students.  You can attend a single class or enrol in a KickStart Program to start 2025 with purpose and consistency.

***  Please note that the Saturday classes are free for those enrolling in any of the KickStart Programs. 

 Use this link to our booking syste, PunchPass to buy a pass and book your classes:  https://orangeyogaroom.punchpass.com/classes.

Mon 6 Tues 7 Wed 8 Thurs 9 Fri10 Sat 11

6-7.30pm KickStart General Level


6-7.30pm KickStart General Level


6.00-7.30pm KickStart    General Level



6-7.30pm KickStart General Level



6-7.30pm KickStart General Level



6-7.30pm KickStart General Level ***



Mon 13 Tues 14 Wed 15 Thurs 16 Frid17 Sat 18

6-7.30pm General Class with Tricia


6-7.30pm General Class with Fiona


9.30-11am General Class with Tricia



6.30-8.00am Intensive with Tricia



8.30-10.30am + 4.30-6.00pm Intensive with Tricia


Mon 20  Tues 21 Wed 22 Thursday 23 Friday 24 Sat 25

6-7.30pm General class with Tricia


9.30-11.00am General Class with Sharon


6.00-7.30pm General Class with Kim



Mon 27 Tues 28 Wed 29 Thurs 30 Fri 31 Sat 1 Feb

KickStart Program Beginners 7.00-8.00am with Sharon



6-7.30pm Relax & Restore with Tricia

KickStart Program Beginners 7.00-8.00am with Sharon



6-7.30pm General Class with Fiona

KickStart Program Beginners 7.00-8.00am with Sharon




9.30-11am General class with Tricia

KickStart Program Beginners 7.00-8.00am with Sharon






7.00-8.00am General Class with Kim ***







Christmas Class and Brunch Saturday 14 December 7.30am


The end of the year deserves to be celebrated!  To say thank you for your support in 2024, we invite all our beautiful students to come along to a free Christmas Class.  This opportunity combines the benefits of yoga practice with the joy of coming together as a community.  


Brunch at Scrumptious 

After the class we will go downstairs for brunch.  Having brunch together is a great way to connect with fellow students for an informal catch up.  We have booked the cafe downstairs but require firm numbers by Monday 9 December.   (Each student will pay for their own meal).  I will place a list at the studio so you can indicate your attendance for either or both.

7.30am-8.30am - Free Christmas Class

8.45am - Brunch downstairs at Scrumptious


We look forward to seeing you to celebrate the end of another year of yoga.


Tricia, Fiona, Sharon and Kim


Sound Bath 4.00-6.00pm Saturday 5 October

Let yourself be taken on a wonderful journey while being immersed by high vibrational sounds of amazing Gongs, Tibetan and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Shaman Drum, Chimes, Overtone Xylophone, Monochord and beautiful Channeled Toning that will transmit powerful codes for healing, inspiration and connection to the higher realms.

A Sound Bath will bring you into a deep state of relaxation, stimulating the innate healing abilities of your body. It helps pain relief, the release of calming hormones, improves the immune system and sleep quality. It offers the opportunity to be away from daily concerns and just surrender to the flow of beautiful, soothing sounds making you feel uplifted and supported.

Paulien Gort is an experienced Sound Healer who runs regular Sound Baths in Sydney. Bringing in her experience with shamanic healing, she facilitates powerful shifts on a physical/emotional/spiritual level.

Link to book on Humantix: https://events.humanitix.com/sound-bath-orange

Saturday 5 October 8.00-9.15am - Yoga for Neck and Shoulders

Do you have tight shoulders and neck muscles?  On Saturday we will go through the asanas that release this area and the asanas that strengthen and mobilise this area.  This class is open to all levels of experience and is valuable information for all students.  Use link below to book:
