Christmas Break and January Holiday Classes
Seasons Greetings!
The studio is closed over Christmas and New Year for a well earned break. The studio will be closed from 22 December until Monday 16 January. All passes and memberships will be placed on hold during the break and will be reactivated again when we open on 16 January. You can also purchase a casual pass to attend any of the classes in January. The Holiday Timetable is below. Please come along to classes in January and support the studio as well as keep up your practice. The January classes are casual classes and open to all students of any level of experience.
January Holiday Timetable
Monday 16 January 6.00-7.30pm - Open class with Tricia in studio and online
Tuesday 17 January 6.00-7.30pm - Open Class with Tricia in studio and online
Wednesday 18 January 9.30-10.45am - Open class with Sharon in studio and online
Thursday 19 January 9.30-11.00am - Open class with Tricia in studio and online
Saturday 21 January 7.00-8.30am - Led Practice with Tricia in studio - use your membership or purchase a led practice pass for this or pay $15 cash to the teacher.
Saturday 21 January 12noon-1.00pm - Yoga Basics Class in studio with Tricia
Saturday 21 January 3.00-4.30pm - Setting Goals Workshop with Tricia in studio or online.
Monday 23 January 6.00-7.30pm - Open class with Tricia in studio and online
Tuesday 24 January 6.00-7.30pm - Open class with Tricia in studio and online
Wednesday 25 January 6.30-7.30am - Led Practice with Kim online.
Wednesday 25 January 9.30-10.45am - open class with Sharon in studio and online
Wednesday 25 January 6.00-7.30pm - Open class with Fiona in studio and online.
Intensive - 27-29 January
Each January I hold an Intensive to kick start the New Year and really cement our commitment to practice yoga and appreciate all it has to offer. The Intensive is open to all students with 6 months experience of yoga. The main focus is on being present and working to progress our understanding of yoga. By stepping onto the mat daily it is an opportunity to spend more time observing ourselves in the practice and giving priority to our practice as we come together as a group and commit to 3 days of steady, measured practice.
The morning sessions are generally dedicated to studying and practising active asana like standing poses, and the evening sessions are dedicated to restoring our energy with passive asanas and pranayama. the session times are as follows:
Friday 27 Jan 6.30-8.00am and 5.45-7.00pm
Saturday 28 Jan 8.30-10.30am and 3.30-5.00pm
Sunday 29 Jan 9.00-11.00am and 3.30-5.00pm.
Investment for 6 sessions $250.00
Priority will be given to those attending all 6 sessions as this is a complete and comprehensive workshop over the 6 sessions. If you are attending all 6 sessions you can book online with the link below. If you wish to attend 4 or 5 sessions email or talk to Tricia.
Sunday 29 January - Yoga Basics 2.00-3.00pm with Tricia
The Yoga Basics classes are a fantastic opportunity for prospective students to come along and try yoga. If you have a friend or family member who is curious about starting yoga, please direct them to the website or ask them to call me for a chat.
Term 1 2023 commences on Monday 30 January.
From all the teachers, enjoy your Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you on the mat in January.