Term 3 Enrolments now Open
Next week is our last week of term. I wish to thank all our students who have persevered through the winter so far to attend their weekly classes. This weekly commitment will keep the colds and flus away and support your immune system. A regular practice of yoga keeps us balanced physically, mentally and emotionally. I am sure you have noticed a difference from when you enter The Yoga Room at the beginning of the class, to when you walk out the door. The world is still crazy busy, but somehow it's a little easier to step back and see it clearly, rather than getting drawn into the drama of it.
Enrolments are open for Term 3 which runs from Monday 22 July to Saturday 28 September. Booking on line is simple. Follow this link and select your classes https://orangeyogaroom.com.au. If you need any information about which class to enrol in, please consult your teacher or contact me.
As a way of saying thank you to our students, I am offering free Led practice in term 3 for any students who enrole in two classes per week. My hope is that this offer gives you the incentive to renew your commitment to your yoga and to progress steadily and methodically through term 3. If you enrol for two classes, please don't select Led Practice, or you will have to pay for it at the checkout! Instead, select your two classes and email me to advise you are coming to Led Practice. You will put a big smile on my face!
The holiday timetable will be available in the next few days.